Monday, February 21, 2011

Myths About Indian Men

Let me break some myths about the concept of "Indian Men" created over the years. All derived from my own real life experience.
1. Not sentimental enough? : I don't think this is true. It is only that we are taught early from our childhood that showing our sentiments is a sign of weakness. 'Don't cry like a girl' is what you hear from your mother if tears fill up your eyes. I wonder if this is true in other societies in other parts of the world. I definitely would like to let go of my painful emotions but I couldn't, because I feel it will be improper or think 'what people would say?' This has actually cost me a lot of relationships where I feel if I had been a little open, they could very well have existed till now. It is a matter of regret for me really.
2. Typical MCPs? Somewhat true. Yes we are brash and boastful (at least most of us). We do try to show off when there are women around. But that's definitely not a sin, is it??? At least our fairer sex have given up getting annoyed and have sportingly accepted to the fact that most men still have a lot of growing up to do!!!
3. Ignore their wives? Ooo.. We are soon to be 120 billion, aren't we? Is it possible unless you are deeply and madly in love with your wife? I think the bond between husband and wife is stronger in India in comparision to other parts of the world. Family definitely plays a much more important role here than anywhere else.
4. Hypocricy? Not that I claim to be an expert about different cultures of the world, but I can certainly claim that the kind of balance an Indian male maintains with his own family and his in-laws is second to none. In a society where women are not necessarily considered to be sympathetic towards each other (to put it mildly), it is not easy for a man to keep both his wife as well as his mother happy. When I look around, I feel they do deserve a pat in the back for this thankless job.
5. Boring? Well, it takes all kinds to make this world. I myself am romantically challenged..I get tongue tied in front of the fairer sex, but I have been to different parts of India and I have found Indian men to be pretty talkative and interesting. People are pretty aware too. I even get amazed to see the kind of knowledge that exist even in places where you least expect.

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